• 主 编:
  • 吕卫东
  • 主 任:
  • 王 倩
  • 刊 期:
  • 双月刊
  • 电 话:
  • 029-87092606;87092306
  • E-mail:
  • xuebaowq@263.net
  • 邮发代号:
  • 52-254
  • 创刊时间:
  • 2001年1月
  • 主办单位:
  • 西北农林科技大学
  • 主管单位:
  • 中华人民共和国教育部
  • 国内统一刊号:
  • CN 61-1376/C
  • 国际标准刊号:
  • ISSN 1009-9107
  • 编辑部地址:
  • 712100 陕西 杨凌 西北农林科大北校区34信箱
The Legal Logic and Optimization Path of Protecting the Rights and Interests of the New Generation of Rural Migrant Workers’ Homesteads
中文关键词:  新生代农民工  宅基地权益保障  法理逻辑  宅基地资格权  法治应对
英文关键词:the new generation of migrant workers  homestead rights protection  legal logic  homestead qualification rights  legal response
李玲玲 (西北农林科技大学 人文社会发展学院/陕西省农业法环境法研究中心,陕西 杨凌 712100) 
周宗熙 (西北农林科技大学 人文社会发展学院/陕西省农业法环境法研究中心,陕西 杨凌 712100) 
崔彩贤 (西北农林科技大学 人文社会发展学院/陕西省农业法环境法研究中心,陕西 杨凌 712100) 
摘要点击次数: 429
全文下载次数: 215
      The new generation of farmers is the main force of urbanization among the agricultural transfer population,and it is also the group representative that can best reflect the process of identity transformation.How to protect the rights and interests of this huge group’s homesteads in the reform of the homestead system is related to China's urban rural integration and development and the steady progress in the process of farmers citizenization.Protecting the rights and interests of the new generation of migrant workers’ homesteads aims to help them realize their fundamental identity transformation from farmers to citizens.The right to qualify for homestead is the core element to determine whether they can enjoy the rights and interests of homesteads, and is a symbol of a membership in rural collective economic organization.The concretization of membership rights is a specific right under the membership rights bundle,and it is also the premise for them to enjoy other homestead rights and interests;the acquisition of property rights is the result of the new generation of migrant workers exercising their qualification rights.It is necessary to sort out the two horizontal dimensions of history and status quo and the three clues of the vertical dimension of the change of the value function of homestead,clarify the main line of legal logic of the new generation of migrant workers’ homestead rights and interests and the real demand for the protection of homestead rights and interests,so as to carry out targeted protection measures.That is to clearly define the multiple identification standards for qualification rights,enrich the forms of homestead qualification to enhance the rationality of the new generation of migrant workers to directly exercise property rights,and adopt the steps of “all reservations partial reservations all withdrawal” to guide the new generation of farmers in stages.Migrant workers gradually withdraw from the right to homestead,so as to effectively protect the rights and interests of the new generation of migrant workers from the perspective of the overall rule of law.
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