• 主 编:
  • 吕卫东
  • 主 任:
  • 王 倩
  • 刊 期:
  • 双月刊
  • 电 话:
  • 029-87092606;87092306
  • E-mail:
  • xuebaowq@263.net
  • 邮发代号:
  • 52-254
  • 创刊时间:
  • 2001年1月
  • 主办单位:
  • 西北农林科技大学
  • 主管单位:
  • 中华人民共和国教育部
  • 国内统一刊号:
  • CN 61-1376/C
  • 国际标准刊号:
  • ISSN 1009-9107
  • 编辑部地址:
  • 712100 陕西 杨凌 西北农林科大北校区34信箱
Research on the Influence of Social Capital and Information Channel on Herders’ Grassland Renting in Behavior Under the Transformation of Grassland Renting Market
中文关键词:  社会资本  信息渠道  草场转入  交易费用  代际差异
英文关键词:social capital  information channel  grassland renting in  transaction costs  generational differences
基金项目:国家林业和草原局软科学项目(2019131039);农业农村部、财政部重点专项(CARS 07 F 1);西北农林科技大学经济管理学院研究生科技创新项目(JGYJSCXXM202101)
史雨星 (西北农林科技大学 经济管理学院陕西 杨凌 712100) 
赵敏娟 (西北农林科技大学 经济管理学院陕西 杨凌 712100) 
摘要点击次数: 271
全文下载次数: 393
      Based on the background of the transformation of the grassland renting market,this study used the survey data of 820 herders in Inner Mongolia and Gansu to empirically examine the influence of social capital and internet information channel on herders’ grassland renting in behavior and the relationship between them and further discusses the mediation effect of transaction costs and the moderating effect of intergenerational differences.The results show that:(1) Social capital can still promote grassland renting in behavior of herders, but its mode of action has changed.The role of key network nodes and herdsmen’s active use of social network capacity is highlighted,while the role of the total amount of social capital and the passive inflow of social network information is reduced.(2) The internet information channel has promoted the renting in behavior of herders,but it has not yet replaced the social capital,and the social capital and the internet information channel operate independently.(3) Social interaction promotes the grassland renting in of herders by reducing the transaction cost,while key network nodes and internet information channel do not.(4) There are significant intergenerational differences in the influence of social capital and internet information channel on grassland renting in behavior of herders.The new generation herders renting in grassland rely more on internet information channels,while the middle generation and old generation herders renting in grassland only rely on social capital.Accordingly,we put forward corresponding policy recommendations.
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